Non-Fiction, Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge

Gratify – Word of the Day Challenge

Rules for the Word of the Day Challenge:

Today’s word of the day is Gratify.


I love sweet things to gratify my sweet tooth, but sweet things aren’t good for my Diabetes.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book published on the blog,

#threethingschallenge, Non-Fiction, Prompt

Three Things Challenge #M138

Prompt Rules:

Welcome to my daily Three Things Challenge!
Our numbers now begin with a prefix of M (the Roman numeral for 1000) and I’ve introduced a theme each week. The words can be used in a variety of contexts, so use your imagination and see where your creativity takes you. Your post doesn’t have to be connected to the theme and you can use all three words, two or just one. There are no restrictions regarding length, style, or genre, but please keep it family friendly.
Tag your responses with 3TC, #threethingschallenge or TTC, and add my logo if you wish.

This week’s theme is SCHOOL
Your three words today are:


I Love Grammar!

By Tessa Dean November 2022

My favorite class in school was Grammar. I loved the lessons, and my favorite thing was to research and write a term paper, or what is also called a research paper. My favorite one was on the subject of shipwrecks. I had a fun time with that one.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book published on the blog,

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Weekend Writing Prompt

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt #284 – Rule

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt Rules:


By Tessa Dean November 2022

During your lifetime you learn many rules to do your job, chores, and life in general.

*****16 words*****

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book published on the blog,