Fiction, Prompt, Weekend Writing Prompt

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt #289 – Engrave

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt Rules:

The Tombstone

By Tessa Dean December 2022

Linda stared around at all the tombstones spread about. Somehow she had to find the stone with her parents’ names engraved on it.

*****23 words*****

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Fiction, Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge

Secrecy – Word of the Day Challenge

Rules for the Word of the Day Challenge:

Today’s word of the day is SECRECY.


Carol promised her friend not to say anything to her husband. She told him everything, which bothered her, but Suzie had asked her for secrecy when Carol found out about Suzie’s affair. Carol begged Suzie to tell her husband she was unhappy and wanted a divorce. And if she didn’t want a divorce, she should ask him to go to counseling for whatever made her seek out the affections of another man. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep this secret from her husband, who just happened to be Suzie’s husband’s best friend.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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#YDWordPrompt, Non-Fiction, Prompt

Disposition – Your Daily Word Prompt

Rules for One Daily Prompt:

Your word for the day is DISPOSITION!


Darlene had one of the nicest dispositions when I first moved in, but as time passed, she became very unpleasant. I can’t figure out what I did to her to make her this way. I know her best friend left the job, but that is no reason to take it out on me. She might be that way to others for all I know. She has hurt my feelings many times lately, and I don’t know what I did, although it might not be me that is causing this new behavior. I am trying to not take it personally, but it is hard to ignore the snappiness she has had lately.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

#threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt

Three Things Challenge #M174

Prompt Rules


Your three words today are:


Choosing Our Home

By Tessa Dean December 2022

Patty and John were going over a pile of house plans for a custom-built house. They thought they would have more pleasure from a house where they chose the design layout. They hired a builder and told him what they wanted and he drew up a bunch of designs for them to look at. They could modify them to what they wanted if they so desired. After much debate, they came up with a design that suited both of them and the builder brought in his crew and they started the build. They were happily waiting for the day when they were allowed to go inside to see how it turned out and then for the day they could move in. They also chose paint colors, floor types, and types of cabinets in the kitchen and bath. The master bedroom was even more important to them as they watched the shows where they remodeled or built a house from scratch so they had plenty of design ideas. They were pleased with the ultimate design.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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#WeekendCoffeeShare, Non-Fiction, Prompt

December 2022 Weekend Coffee Share #99

Natalie’s Guidelines and newest post is here.

Coffee, Pen, Notebook, Caffeine, Cup
Picture compliments of

Thanks to Natalie, the Explorer, for hosting this prompt.

Grab a chair and something to drink. If you were here, I would tell you that things have been a little rough. Today my blood sugar bottomed out after they decided to increase my insulin. Not a good thing and can be quite dangerous. I have no idea why they increased it. The nurse was worried and she is trying to get them to have different meals for those of us with diabetes. Probably not going to happen since they take the easiest way around making our meals. We are supposed to have “gourmet” food, but it is stuff that is packaged. They lie on their website. If she hadn’t caught it when she did, it could have been a lot worse, and I no longer have a meter to test my sugar on my own. It is checked by them only (they use my meter, and it is locked up in their medication carts). The way they were doing it was working fairly well, but this isn’t a good way to do things. Breakfast is very low carb unless they have pancakes or waffles or a breakfast sandwich. Today was scrambled eggs (no carbs), with half a banana, and some juice, and I made myself eat half a slice of toast although I didn’t want it. It wasn’t enough carbs for the insulin though.

Although we had hot water most of the week, there were a couple of times we didn’t still. They haven’t fixed the problem.

I have been playing Scrabble a lot, so my writing has slowed down, and so has my reading. I will get tired of it eventually, but for now, I am hooked on it.

The facility is filling up fast now. And they aren’t hiring new help to keep up with it. I get my bed medicines very late, and it takes about an hour to take all the treatments and meds. I am exhausted. Plus, the medicines make me drowsy, so I am tired all day.

They also changed our shower and laundry days. I need help showering and dressing, so I want my shower at night. That way I don’t have to dress twice a day and the day shift think they are above doing things like that, although it is their job as well. Hopefully, once we are full, it won’t be as bad. They won’t have to constantly change things around. Although we aren’t even half full yet so, they had better start working on filling up the help roster. I don’t know what they are waiting for. Our dining room is supposed to be two shifts when full, but it can barely hold a third of us now. I don’t know what they plan on doing once we are full at 150 plus. Most people have walkers and need them, so there is no place to park them now. What happens once we are full? Things were not thought out, and they had a whole year while I waited for them to open to be working on this, and instead, they waited until the last minute.

We are losing our good nurses, and the replacements aren’t so great. There are a few good ones, but we are losing the good ones all the time. Same with the aides. In some cases, I don’t blame them. Rather than hiring dining room help, they expect the nurses and aides to do the work over and above their regular duties. We are supposed to have housekeeping, but if you want your room clean, you have to do it yourself and we don’t have cleaning supplies since we shouldn’t need them. I am lucky if I get my trash taken out. I just washed the sink today. Housekeeping doesn’t do it, and they don’t clean the toilet. This is one of the better places in the area so I can’t imagine what living elsewhere would be like.

Have a great week, everyone.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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