Fiction, Haiku, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Writing

Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Savory

savory or sweet

nature’s masterpiece seeking

stream, woods or mountains


Your Weekly Prompt – Savory

Let the prompt word and/or image inspire you!

Prompt contributions can be any variation of the prompt and/or image.

Rules for the weekly prompt!

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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#Simply6Minutes, Fiction, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Writing

Simply 6 Minutes – Welcome to the Challenge: 05/07/2024

Rules for the prompt!

Welcome to the 6-minute challenge!

Today’s prompt is:

Ryan Sims/Comedy Wildlife 2022

A row of turtles giving convenient help to a duckling


This is a 6 minute rough draft for the photo prompt.

The duckling struggled in the water as this was the first time it had been in the water since its birth just a few days ago. Its mother and father were training it to be at home on the water. They watched as their duckling struggled to swim. 

The duckling spotted a log not far away, and on the log was a whole row of turtles sitting shell to shell. The duckling paddled over to the log, stepped gingerly on the first turtle, and walked down the row from one to the other until it reached the end and flopped back into the water. The parents simply watched their baby and then went over to lead it back to the shore.

**********121 words**********

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Fiction, Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

Mother – Word of the Day Challenge

Rules for the Word of the Day Challenge:

Today’s word of the day is MOTHER.


Jody looked at the calendar and realized that it was the anniversary of her mother’s death. She had been gone for 10 years now, but the day still made her sad and so she gave into her need for tears to clear the air. She missed her so much.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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#threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Three Things Challenge #M687

Prompt Rules


Your three words today are:



By Tessa Dean May 2024

Mia stared at the door, undecided. Should she offer an apology to the occupant or leave things alone? She was sorry in her own way, but never felt a need to humble herself and apologize before.

She knocked on the door, trembling, waiting for an answer. She hoped they weren’t home. One hand held a stack of mail.

There was no answer at first so she turned to leave. The door opened and the woman had been crying. Mia felt awful. Was it because of her? Probably.

She had stolen the mail hoping for cash to be in one of their envelopes. She knew they got a lot of mail everday as she was the one who put it in their mailbox. Instead of delivering it she collected the mail and put it aside to look at later.

As she went through the mail she found, much to her chagrin, an envelope from the woman’s mother telling her that her father had passed away and giving her the information as to where the burial would be and when. She realized while reading it that the date was in the past and if no one had contacted her she wouldn’t have gone to the funeral and that would be Mia’s fault.

As she looked at the crying woman she found she wasn’t brave enough to give her the mail back even though her mother had written her a long letter about her father. She put the mail behind her back and told her she had the wrong house and she was sorry about that.

She would take the letter and put it in an envelope and mail it anonomously to her so she would have it even though she probably missed the funeral and had just been told about it by someone, hence the crying when she answered the door.

As bad as Mia felt she knew that she wouldn’t stop going through people’s mail. She would never get rich this way, but she picked up some money now and then from some of the people on her route. Most people knew better than to mail cash, but some still did it and she figured they wouldn’t miss it as they probably weren’t expecting it.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Can You Tell A Story In..., Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Can You Tell A Story In…

Esther’s Rules:

Hello, all. I hope you’re having a good week. Here’s a new story challenge for you:

Can you tell a story in 48 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:

  • FLU


My flu symptoms were getting worse. As I was attempting to do the moonwalk, dizziness overtook me. I tripped over a shovel and landed on a pineapple. I knocked the election ballot and the magnet holding it up onto the floor. I bent over to pick it up.

**********48 words**********

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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#weeklysmile, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

The Weekly Smile for the 6th of May, 2024 #weeklysmile

Trent’s Rules

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is weeklysmile2b.jpg

My smile:

I looked at the plate of food that had been served to me dreading what had become food that was mostly inedible. To my surprise I enjoyed the whole plate of food, even the vegetable.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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#FOWC, Fiction, Prompt, Writing

FOWC with Fandango — Revolutionary

Fandango’s Rules For the One Word Challenge


Today’s word is “revolutionary.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, ÿplease manually add your link in the comments.


It was 2 AM and when I switched the tv on all I could find to watch were infomercials advertising the revolutionary new products that were available. I turned the tv off and picked up a book. Hopefully it was a new book and not one I had already read.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

#FSS, Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Fandango’s Story Starter #148


It’s time for my weekly Story Starter prompt. Here’s how it works. Every Tuesday morning (my time), I’m going to give you a “teaser” sentence or sentence fragment and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build a story (prose or poetry) around that sentence/fragment. It doesn’t have to be the first sentence in your story, and you don’t even have to use it in your post at all if you don’t want to. The purpose of the teaser is simply to spark your imagination and to get your storytelling juices flowing.

This week’s Story Starter teaser is:

She held out her arms to hug me, but I knew this wasn’t my house — and she definitely wasn’t my wife.

If you care to write and post a story built from this teaser, be sure to link back to this post and tag your post with #FSS. I would also encourage you to read and enjoy what your fellow bloggers do with their stories.



By Tessa Dean May 2024

She held out her arms to hug me, but I knew this wasn’t my house — and she definitely wasn’t my wife.

I struggled to get out of the policeman’s grasp. He was trying to push me toward the woman I had never seen before. She continued to claim she was my wife and that she was so glad to see me at home. 

“Sir, I don’t know who this woman is or why you insist on bringing me here, but this is not my house, and she is not my wife. Why don’t you believe me?”

“Sir, we found you wandering around, and we had just received a phone call from your wife that you were missing.”

“She is not my wife! I have never seen this woman before. I swear to you, I don’t understand what is going on here.”

The policeman stopped shoving me toward her. He looked at her and said, “Can you show me proof that this is your husband?”

She said, “Would our wedding picture help?”

“That would be a start, ma’am.”

She turned around and headed back inside to grab a picture off the shelf. She handed it to him. He studied the picture, which showed both of us in wedding attire, but it was a very recent picture.

He noticed that it was a recent picture and asked her for her wedding date.

“It was just last week. I can’t imagine why he says he doesn’t remember it. We had a very large wedding at a local establishment; although he had no family, mine was in full attendance. You can ask any of them about it.”

The policemen turned to me and said, “Sir, is that not you in the photo?”

“No, he replied, “It is my twin brother, Mark! I gather he never told you about me.”

“A twin brother,” she looked surprised. “No, Mark never mentioned he had a twin brother.”

“That doesn’t surprise me at all, as he has done this over and over, and you are not the first woman he has married and pretended to be me. You will find that he is a con artist, and I am afraid you fell for it.”

“Sir,” the policeman asked. “Can I see your identification, please?”

I pulled out my wallet and showed him my license. It was in the name of Clark Brown. 

“My brother has probably already wiped out your bank account and is on the run. That is his usual way of doing things. I am sorry, but I am not your husband, and I am sorry you were taken by him. The policeman is already here, so why don’t you file a report? If you look at your bank account or accounts, I am sure you will find them empty.”

The woman was dumbfounded and asked the policeman what should she do. He told her to gather all of the information she had, including her wedding license, and told her to check her accounts to see if what I had told her was true. 

She took out her phone, pulled up her banking app, and cried out when she saw a zero balance on her checking and savings accounts. She had trusted him and added him to both accounts because he told her he didn’t have an account and that they should have joint accounts since they were married. She began to cry as the full implications of the situation hit her. 

“Am I free to go yet? I have no idea where he is or where he would head next.” I felt sorry for her, but there was nothing I could do. I was no longer in contact with my brother as I didn’t approve of his lifestyle of robbing people. He had even gotten to me when he first started this chain of conning people out of their life savings. He pretended to be me and emptied my accounts as well. Luckily, I didn’t have much money, so he wasn’t really interested in me anymore.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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Non-Fiction, Prompt, StoryADay, Writing

Title Longer Than Story | StoryADay 2024 Day 7


Write a short story in which the title is longer than the short story itself



The Hackers Made a Mockery of my Social Media Account, Convincing Some of my Followers That I Was the One Who Was Posting The Messages Designed to Lure Them Into a Scam and Bilking Them Out of Money, Thereby Ruining My Good Name and Making Me Lose My Reputation and My Followers

The social media company refused to take down the account even with proof that it was my account.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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