Fiction, Prompt, Weekend Writing Prompt, Writing

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt #364 – Squander

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt Rules:


By Tessa Dean May 2024

Don’t squander your savings.  You will need it for your retirement.

*****11 words*****

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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#threethingschallenge, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Three Things Challenge #M698

Prompt Rules


Your three words today are:


The residents here might be in the age range of 62 to 99, but most of them act very juvenile. They are frequently throwing temper tantrums just like children do.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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#Saturday Mix, #StoryStarter, Fiction, Mindlovemisery's Menagerie, Prompt, Writing

Story Starter – Saturday Mix, 18 May 2024

Prompt Rules:

Welcome to the Saturday Mix – Story Starter, 18 May 2024!
You will be given a sentence to start off your response. It is your choice whether you write using poetry or prose.

Your story starter for this week is:

  • She threw back the glass of wine and stormed out of the room…

Good luck with your ‘Story Starter’ – I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Don’t forget to tag ‘Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie’, ‘Saturday Mix’, and hashtag #StoryStarter.

As always, make sure you link to your fabulous creation via the comments or pingback.


Calling It Quits

By Tessa Dean May 2024

She threw back the glass of wine and stormed out of the room, nearly stumbling over her own two feet. What was Jack up to, she thought to herself. She returned to the dining room, picked up the letter, and began rereading it, tears streaming down her face.

Jack couldn’t be serious. He had never been cruel to her before. They had always been a loving couple, supporting each other through thick and thin. Why now? She headed off to search for him to find out what he was up to.

She searched the downstairs completely and found no sign of him. Maybe he had left after dropping off the letter. She headed upstairs, although she didn’t expect him to be there as the letter seemed final. He wouldn’t go to her room after that, and other than bedrooms and a bathroom, there were no other rooms up there.

There was no sign of him, so she headed back downstairs. She opened the front door and looked to see if his car was still parked behind hers. It was gone. 

She picked up her cell phone and quickly dialed his number. It rang once but then went to voicemail. He didn’t answer, and she became angrier. Where was he? How could he tell her they were through by letter and not tell her in person? Plus, he hadn’t left a reason in the letter why he was through with them as a couple.

What had she done? Surely, they could have talked it over and resolved it. She picked up her car keys and headed to her car. Determined to find him and demand an answer.

She drove to his house and found her best friend, Mandy’s car there as well as his. What was she doing here? Had they been seeing each other behind her back? She jumped out of her car and approached the front door. She reached for the doorknob and turned it, surprised it was open. She entered the house, headed to the living room, and found the two of them locked in an embrace, kissing passionately. 

“Jack, Mandy, what is going on here? Jack, you gave me a letter saying we were through for no reason and then left. I followed you here only to find you and Mandy kissing passionately. When did this start?”

“Listen, Rhonda, I am sorry, but Mandy and I are in love. I didn’t know how to tell you, so I wrote you that letter and hoped you would accept that we were over. I didn’t want to tell you about Mandy because I know you are best friends.”

“Were, Jack. I will not be best friends with someone who would take my boyfriend. We could have talked about our relationship if something was wrong. You didn’t even give me a chance. You just ended it with no explanation. How could either of you do this to me?”

“I’m sorry, Rhonda,” Mandy said. “I didn’t plan on this to happen, but Jack approached me about how he felt that your relationship lacked real love and things just happened. We have only been together for about two weeks.”

“Two weeks? And you think that makes it alright?” Rhonda turned around, and with tears streaming down her face, she slapped Jack across the face and said, “I hope you are happy now. Good riddance to you both.”

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Fiction, Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

Squid – Word of the Day Challenge

Rules for the Word of the Day Challenge:

Today’s word of the day is CHEAT.


My stomach turned as they put the plate of squid in front of me. Squid belongs in the ocean and not on a plate as far as I am concerned.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

#FOWC, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

FOWC with Fandango — Righteous

Fandango’s Rules For the One Word Challenge


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “righteous.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, ÿplease manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.


I felt righteous indignation as I watched the residents who did not follow the rules and come to dinner on our seating. Every day, three times a day, they come to the first sitting for the meals and they are supposed to be at the second sitting. Some of the people don’t feel that the rules pertain to them. And when they are told their response is that nobody told them which is a downright lie. The staff is tired of telling them so they let them get away with it and it really makes me mad. Why have rules if you aren’t going to enforce them? Some of the staff will force them to leave, but when they can get away with it, they do. Watching them get away with it really ruins my meal for me. I believe strongly that rules should be enforced.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

Fiction, Prompt, StoryADay, Writing

In A Flash | StoryADay 2024 Day 18


Write a story in a cypher: where the first word of each sentence is the REAL message.

As an alternative to this you might try Grant Faulkner’s prompt from a StoryADay 2022…


I chose the second choice of using A-Z.



Advancing to the head of the line soon I hope.

Been waiting in line for what seems like hours.

Cats and dogs running loose, looking for food.

Daring the people in line to yell at them.

Eating some snacks while we wait.

Fearing the concert will be canceled.

Groping in my pocket to make sure I have the tickets.

Handing Joey his ticket so I won’t lose it.

Instantly he grabbed it and checked the time.

Just as I thought, he said.

Knew you had the wrong time.

Loser, he said, we are late and at the end of the line.

My mouth dropped open, fearing he was right.

Now what, the good seats will be gone.

Only you could be late every time, he said.

People ahead of us are waiting patiently.

Queued, not at all bothered by the wait.

Raising our voices so we could hear each other.

Should have stayed home since we will be last inside.

Thanks a lot Amy, Joey sputters out.

Useless criticism as I will never change.

Vacations with you never go as planned he said.

Why do you come with me then?

‘xpectations that you will change one of these days.

Yes we are finally moving.

Zooming to the entrance finally.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –