Non-Fiction, Prompt, Reena's Exploration Challenge, Writing

Reena’s Xploration Challenge #333

Reena’s Xploration Challenge Rules


It’s a picture and a word for this week. Maybe you see a connection between the two. Maybe you don’t. Let one or both take you on your creative sojourn.



Where I live challenges my boundaries of vulnerability. They constantly attack my sense of right and wrong. Rules are made but not followed and there is no culpability for misdeeds or not following the rules that have been set in place.

I constantly wonder why we even have rules. The staff can come in whenever they feel like it, and there is no reprimand or punishment. Rarely do they fire someone for not coming in to do the job they signed up for. We are seniors with disabilities, and we need help. That is why they call it assisted living. If I had missed days every week, especially the weekends, at my job, I would have been fired, but here, you can be late or not show up at all, and there are no repercussions. We are constantly short-handed and don’t get the help we need. Even our medications tend to be late or not given at all, and the nurses give us the wrong medication all the time. Now, I can’t say every nurse is this way. We do have some nurses who actually care about the residents, but more often than not, they are here simply for a paycheck. Instead of working, they are on their phones or sleeping. I am lucky if I get one shower per week, and the normal schedule is only two showers per week. The one on the weekend is almost never given since that is when most people call out. The aides (certified nursing assistants) are the ones who give us the showers. 

Weekends around here are like a ghost town. I really feel sorry for the residents who are confined to a wheelchair and can’t get around on their own. They end up missing meals because of that. We have complained to the state about the mistreatment, but even they have failed us. People tell us to just move. Well, unfortunately, every assisted living facility is the same, if not worse. There isn’t anywhere else for us. I try not to complain too much because that can make a bad situation even worse.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Can You Tell A Story In..., Fiction, Flash Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Can You Tell A Story In…


Esther’s Rules:

Can you tell a story in 41 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:

  • MAZE
  • QUIT


I was ready to quit the maze. The cabbage field to my left had a poetry reading going on, and on the other side was a football game with a referee. The sudden chest pains sent me scrambling to the hospital.

**********41 words**********

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

#FOWC, #threethingschallenge, #Writer's Workshop, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

FOWC with Fandango — Intermission Plus The Three Things Challenge and The Writer’s Workshop

Rules For the One Word Challenge


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.). Today’s word is INTERMISSION.

I am also using the Three Things Challenge for today #M710.

Your three words today are:


I also used The Writer’s Workshop by John Holton.

Here are the prompts for this week’s Writer’s Workshop:

  1. Write a post based on the word “aunt”.
  2. Write a post in exactly 12 sentences.
  3. Describe your favorite shopping mall.
  4. Book Review!
  5. List your favorite YouTube channels (no more than 5).
  6. Write about the most humid place you’ve been.

I chose numbers 1, 2 and 6 (#6 is non-fiction with a sprinking of fiction to round it out)


I can’t stand humid weather. It gives me a headache.

My husband and I planned to go to the Bahamas, but I discovered they have humid weather all year round, and I could not avoid it unless he went without me. I wasn’t about to let him go on a nice vacation without me, so I prepared to spend a lot of time in the room with the air conditioner.

We arranged for Aunt Martha to watch the kids for the week and boarded the plane while the snow was still on the ground. When the plane landed in the Bahamas, we shed our winter coats and lugged them around with our suitcases.

Upon arrival at our resort, we saw signs of a recent flood due to the plumbing leaking into the resort and the water was still seeping out of the pipes and into the lobby. To our annoyance, we learned that the lobby wasn’t the only place it flooded as it just so happened our room was flooded as well. The room wasn’t useable, and we had to wait while the staff called around the island looking for a room in one of the other resorts due to a last minute cancelation. 

While they located a room for us, they told us to go watch the matinee show that was happening at the moment. When we got to the room where they were holding the show, we found out that it was just in time for the 30-minute intermission. It seems we couldn’t win.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –