Fiction, Mindlovemisery's Menagerie, Saturday Mix, Writing

#Lucky Dip – Saturday Mix, 22 June 2024

Rules for prompt!

lucky dip (noun). a game in which small objects are concealed in a container and chosen at random.

Your story cubes this week are:

CCube pictures: car, egg and bacon, crayon, tent, aerosol, passports, body outline, filmstrip.

Use these in your response, which may be either poetry or prose.

Good luck with your ‘Lucky Dip’ – I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Don’t forget to tag ‘Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie’, ‘Saturday Mix’, and hashtag #LuckyDip.

As always, make sure you link to your fabulous creation via the comments or pingback.


As I watched the egg and bacon cook for my breakfast, I looked at the tent with a rental car parked beside it. We arrived late last night and still had the car to unpack. We were traveling from another country, so we had to keep our passports handy at all times in case we were asked to present them at the border.

I finished my breakfast, my anticipation growing as I reached for the pile of books. The one on top, with its intriguing body outline, was a clear sign of a mystery, a genre that always keeps me on the edge of my seat. The cover, adorned with a piece of filmstrip and the promising words ‘coming soon to a theater near you, ‘heightened my excitement. I couldn’t wait to see how the movie would bring this captivating story to life and how different it would be from the book.My daughter, Candy, stumbled out of the tent with her box of crayons and coloring book. She was ready to start coloring, but I had to talk her into breakfast first. She finally agreed to a bowl of cereal and milk. Once she was finished, I got out the aerosol can of sunscreen and applied it liberally to her body so she wouldn’t get burnt when we headed over to the lake for the morning.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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#TheDailySpur, Fiction, Photo Challenge, Photo Prompt, Prompt, The Daily Spur Photo Prompt, Writing

Photo Prompt by The Daily Spur 6/22/24


Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos (ffstop) on Unsplash

Here is today’s photo prompt.

Randy received a call into the help desk. He was on call tonight, so he picked up the phone and wearily said, “Ronson’s Help Desk, this is Randy. How may I help you tonight?” He hoped the caller didn’t realize just how tired he was. He was supposed to sound cheerful and helpful.

“The hallway on floor five is very dim. Could you come up here and look into it? It is probably a burned-out bulb. Hopefully, it is just the bulb, not the whole light, like last month.”

With a deep sigh, Randy assured the caller that he would promptly address the issue. He swiftly equipped his tool belt and made his way to the elevators, maintaining a professional demeanor despite his personal feelings. 

The elevator bell dinged for the fifth floor, and Randy got off. He spotted a tenant, a young man, standing in the hallway, pointing to the light fixture at the end of the hall. He walked down to meet him.

“Hey, what’s up? You said something about the whole light having gone out last month. Do you think that is what happened again?”

“I don’t know anything about electricity, but the guy that worked here last month had to replace the whole fixture.”

“Let me see if I have a bulb to fit this light. It looks like it takes a special kind of bulb.”

“Yeah, man, it’s a fluorescent light, and they have special tube light bulbs. I hope you have one downstairs since I don’t see you carrying one now.”

“I will have to go back down and get one. I saw a box of them in the workroom. Give me a minute, and I will be right back.”

Randy returned to the elevator and hit the button for the first floor so it would take him back to his office. He found the box of bulbs and took one out. He hoped he could manage to replace the bulb. He wasn’t really handy when it came to this type of thing. He shouldn’t have taken this job. He wasn’t really a handyman type. If he messed this up, they would probably fire him. He had convinced the man he could do it, but he was having his doubts. 

He returned to the fifth floor and put the small ladder under the light. He had remembered to bring a screwdriver, so he started to take the screws out. Removing the old bulb, he placed the new one in its place and tightened it down. The light came on, and he mentally cheered. He didn’t want the tenant to realize just how much he was sweating this out. Tomorrow, he needed to find a new job. He couldn’t handle this one, and changing a bulb is simple. Heaven only knows what else might come up that he will have to deal with.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Non-Fiction, Prompt, Weekend Writing Prompt, Writing

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt #369 – Spoonful

Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt Rules:


By Tessa Dean June 2024

I have found that a spoonful of sugar helps my hiccups go away pretty fast, so I now take a teaspoonful every time I can manage to get it for a quick fix.

*****33 words*****

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #threethingschallenge, #Weekly prompts Weekend Challenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge, Plus the Weekly Prompt

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts and one Weekly Prompt.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is vary.

The Three Things Challenge #733. The three words are bag, bread, and cake.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is folly.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is tough.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is excavation.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is tender.


And the weekly prompt which is the word below.


The archaeology professor, fully aware of the potential significance of her students’ work, gazed below into the excavation where ancient human remains and artifacts were discovered. She had just had a passionate debate with her students, emphasizing the importance of their role in unearthing these treasures and the folly of leaving their findings unattended, where others could potentially steal the credit for their dedicated work.

It was tough working with new students who didn’t quite grasp the full seriousness and importance of their work and how there was always someone looking to take credit for it. It was almost lunchtime, and they would take a break from their work. She picked up the bag and laid out a spread of bread, tender meat, cheese, and cake for dessert.

After lunch, she would vary their subject matter from human remains to the different types of artifacts available from this historical period. She would show them the crucial role of proper labeling in preserving and documenting their finds, emphasizing its significance in the field of archaeology.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

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