#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur Photo Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is plead.

The Three Things Challenge #739. The three words are eliminate, conquer, and overcome.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is mechanic.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is serenity.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is cemetery.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is alleviate.


The singing of birds in the cemetery lulled me into a light sleep. A few yards away, a loud backfire from a truck trying to get started broke the serenity of the surrounding area. I jerked awake, overcome by fear and the uncertainty of where I was. I looked around, desperate to eliminate what had awakened me from my sleep state. I remembered my fear of cemeteries and wondered how I managed to conquer the fear enough to fall asleep and leave myself vulnerable to whatever I might be subjected to by being alone in a cemetery, of all places. However, I was not alone.

I became aware of someone pleading with another person at a tombstone a road away. “Please,” a woman said urgently into her cell phone, “I need a mechanic at the Shady Acres Cemetery. My truck won’t start, and I am stuck here.”

I shifted my position, trying to alleviate the stiffness in my joints from being in the same position for a while. I was surprised when I checked the time to realize I had been asleep for more than 30 minutes. My fears rose, and I didn’t want to be here. It was getting dark, and I didn’t like cemeteries at the best of times. I wondered where the delivery truck that was bringing my mother’s tombstone was. They were supposed to be here way before it got dark and the sun would set soon. This is the last place I wanted to be after dark. A truck rumbled into the cemetery and headed toward me. I was afraid it was the mechanic the other woman was waiting for, but they pulled up next to me and asked, “Is this the plot for Atkins?”

“Yes, I am waiting for my mother’s tombstone.”

“I got it right here. My partner and I will get it out and set up for you.”

“Thank you. I want to get out of here before it is dark.”

“No problem. This won’t take long.”

They set up the tombstone, and they left after I had signed the papers. Now, I could be on my way. I felt sorry for the woman still waiting for a mechanic to start her truck, but I wasn’t about to offer to stay with her. She was, after all, a stranger to me.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is precise.

The Three Things Challenge #736. The three words are daft, draft and raft.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is jazz.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is beading

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is exploration.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is week.


Melanie wrote her first draft in a precise way. After reading her rough draft, people thought she was daft. She was writing a book about the beading world and offering some of her patterns for free. They told her she should not offer free patterns. They thought she should make people pay for them. She disagreed and thought offering some patterns for free was a nice touch. She started the second draft and included the free patterns. No one could tell her what to do with her book. 

It had been a rough week, and she was excited about the upcoming jazz festival at the park. She and her boyfriend, Mason, were going to go river rafting before the concert, so she had a full day planned of river exploration and then the jazz festival. Hopefully, this would perk up her attitude.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is tight.

The Three Things Challenge #737. The three words are bells, buttons, and bows.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is question

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is rain.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is ignore.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is wild.


The rain was pouring down heavily outside, and Jasmine, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about her new store, tried to pull her raincoat tighter around her. The wind was blowing wildly, whipping her hair around. Jasmine hurried into the library, closing the door tightly behind her. She tried to ignore the rain dripping off her, focusing on the task before her. 

Realizing the importance of community in her venture, Jasmine hurried to the librarian for help. She needed information about doll manufacturers for her new collector doll store, and the librarian’s knowledge and answers to her questions were crucial for her to gather her inventory for the grand opening in a few weeks. Having already found catalogs from some of the more upscale doll clothing manufacturers, Jasmine was captivated by the variety of doll clothes. Some were adorned with bells, bows, and fancy buttons, each outfit more charming than the last. Her vision was clear-she wanted to offer a range of outfits for the dolls, not just the one that came with the doll upon purchase. She understood that real collectors of the more expensive dolls might not want to change the outfit the doll arrived in, but she also knew there was a market for those who would appreciate a variety of outfits to change them out occasionally.    

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#TheDailySpur, Photo Challenge, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

Photo Prompt By The Daily Spur 6/25/24

Photo by Daniil Komov (dkomow) on Unsplash

The Daily Spur Photo Prompt

I watched the bunny as he sat on the lawn and just looked around. He was unaware of the cat that was creeping up on him from behind. Just as the cat reached out his paw to strike, the bunny turned and ran across the yard to escape the cat’s sharp claws. He made it to the other side of the yard, and the cat gave up the chase. The cat was hungry, though, and would make another attempt to find an animal for her and her baby’s dinner. She was teaching the babies how to hunt for their food.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Photo Challenge, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge, Plus a Photo Prompt

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts and a photo prompt #521 from Mind Love Misery’s Menagerie.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is magnetic.

The Three Things Challenge #736. The three words are finger, digit, and toe.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is neighbor

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is trudge

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is abnormal.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is coupons.


Ron and his neighbor, Jeremy, trudged up the cellar stairs carrying Grandma’s old reclining lift chair. She was finally out of rehab and, upon arriving home, demanded her old chair to sit in front of the TV. The old leather chair was an eyesore. 

Ron caught his toe on the stairs and stumbled, nearly dropping the chair on his toes. Getting this old chair through the doorway into the kitchen would be quite a challenge as the stairway was narrow. They had trouble getting it down the stairs in the first place. Ron and his dad had wanted to get rid of it, but Grandma insisted she would be back and wanted her chair, and now here they were.

Jeremy put down his end of the chair and waited for Ron to catch up with him. They still had to get the chair in the living room before the TV.

While he waited for Jeremy, Ron played with the magnetic numbers and digits on the refrigerator, rubbing his fingers over each letter and spelling out witch. One of the letters he needed to spell out witch was holding a coupon for a car wash. He could use a car wash and wondered if they would use it before it expired. He would have to ask.

He thought of Ron’s grandmother and this stupid chair she had to have. He thought her fixation on this chair was abnormal, but her son had insisted they humor her and put it in place. What was the chance she would sit in it rather than be forced to spend her last days in bed? He knew Ron and his dad were determined that the chair would be trashed once she was gone.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is paramount.

The Three Things Challenge #735. The three words are settle, argue and remorse.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is inventor.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is rally.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is proof.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is pretty.


To the inventor, Roslyn Caster, her child’s safety was paramount. The pretty, young inventor kept her house baby-proofed, especially the room where she worked on her projects. She expected her mother-in-law, who watched her child while she worked, to ensure her house was safe. They argued frequently about the possibility that her child would be harmed in her mother-in-law’s home, with the main point of contention being the mother-in-law’s perceived lack of attention to safety measures. Her mother-in-law felt no remorse over telling her daughter-in-law that she was perfectly capable of taking care of a young child. Roslyn wished her husband would rally around and settle the arguments between the two women. Rosly wished her mother was available to babysit for her instead of her husband’s mother, but she was always at work. She had to use what was available to her, unless she wanted to trust a perfect stranger to watch the child.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is desperation.

The Three Things Challenge #734. The three words are hormone, medication and nerve.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is brainstorm.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is ragged.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is symbol.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is trade.


Renae had a fairly strong constitution. She rarely took medication. However, one of the few medications she did take was Estrogen for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) also known as menopausal hormone therapy or estrogen replacement therapy.

After Renae took her few daily medications, she sat with the newspaper and opened it to the stock market. She owned many stocks and liked tracking what they were doing. They called her a trader since she took risks on long-term investments. She looked for the symbols of the companies she traded in and looked at the day’s numbers, brainstorming what she thought they would do in the future or if she should dump them now and get out before they dropped in value. Desperation set in when she realized several of her stocks weren’t doing well, and she had to decide whether to keep them and hope they started to do better or trade them for something else. Her nerves were on edge daily as she made decisions for the future. She was trying to build a strong portfolio and it kept her running ragged every day.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #threethingschallenge, #Weekly prompts Weekend Challenge, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge, Plus the Weekly Prompt

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts and one Weekly Prompt.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is vary.

The Three Things Challenge #733. The three words are bag, bread, and cake.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is folly.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is tough.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is excavation.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is tender.


And the weekly prompt which is the word below.


The archaeology professor, fully aware of the potential significance of her students’ work, gazed below into the excavation where ancient human remains and artifacts were discovered. She had just had a passionate debate with her students, emphasizing the importance of their role in unearthing these treasures and the folly of leaving their findings unattended, where others could potentially steal the credit for their dedicated work.

It was tough working with new students who didn’t quite grasp the full seriousness and importance of their work and how there was always someone looking to take credit for it. It was almost lunchtime, and they would take a break from their work. She picked up the bag and laid out a spread of bread, tender meat, cheese, and cake for dessert.

After lunch, she would vary their subject matter from human remains to the different types of artifacts available from this historical period. She would show them the crucial role of proper labeling in preserving and documenting their finds, emphasizing its significance in the field of archaeology.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Photo Challenge, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur, The Unicorn Challenge, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango, The Three Things Challenge, and the Unicorn Photo Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts plus the Unicorn Challenge which is a photo prompt.

The Unicorn Challenge. Maximum of 250 words.

© Ayr/Gray

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is candelabra.

The Three Things Challenge #732. The three words are carpet, slay, fibre (fiber).

The Word of the Day Challenge. The word is participation.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is sculpture.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is nationalist.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is original.


The outside of the building had multicolored shutters. They were all closed except for one, which had a candelabra sitting on the windowsill.

This was the building I had been directed to. The realtor had told me that it housed several different businesses. The first floor had been a carpet store. The carpets were made of many different fibers, some man-made. I had been told that the building was originally a restaurant before it sold out to the carpet store. 

The second floor had housed a sculpture store, and if you were interested, many classes had been available for participation.

I turned to the realtor and said, “You slay me. Did you think I would be interested in buying this building? You have to be joking!”

“I slay you? You slay me, thinking that miserable sum you said you had available would buy you a fancy building. This is the only thing I have available in your price range.”

“Surely you have something else available. I just need an office for my nationalist interests. A place where we can plan our protests of the local regime.”

“I told you this is the only thing available.”

“It is much too big. I just need a small office. Surely there is an office available somewhere,”

“Let’s go. I have nothing else to show you, and you don’t seem interested in this building.”

“I’ll take it,” I sighed.

**********243 words**********

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, Fiction, Prompt, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, Word of the Day Challenge

5 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 5 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is cemetery.

The Three Things Challenge #731. The three words are potent, strong and sturdy.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is relic.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is bite.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is something.


As Marie sat in the cemetery, a mix of anticipation and unease filled her. The delivery of her mother’s tombstone was imminent, yet a strong, odor, like the smell of liver and onions, hung in the air. It was a potent reminder of her mother, who had always cooked this dish for herself, despite no one else sharing her taste. Was this a sign from her mother, reaching out from the great beyond? Marie couldn’t help but wonder, her feelings a swirl of confusion and intrigue.

Marie, feeling a sense of unease, settled back in the sturdy folding chair she had brought along.  She tried to distract herself by reading her book, but her fingers couldn’t resist tracing the worn edges of the relic from her mother’s past, a cherished rosary hanging around her neck. The old beads, a tangible connection to her mother, brought a sense of warmth and nostalgia, yet couldn’t dispel the unease that lingered in the air. 

She heard a growl behind her. She turned and noticed a dog creeping up on her. Would he bite her? He sounded menacing and continued to growl. She didn’t move. She didn’t want to startle him into attacking her. She relaxed as he sat beside her, happy to sit there and wait with her. She wondered briefly who he belonged to. Perhaps he belonged to the old caretaker who sat at the guardhouse at the opening to the cemetery. She went back to reading and waiting, trying to forget that she was sitting alone in the cemetery except for the dog beside her.

She heard an engine as a truck pulled into the cemetery and headed back to where she was waiting. The driver stopped, got out, and he and his helper started to lift the heavy tombstone out of the back of the truck. They placed it at the top of her mother’s grave. They didn’t say a word to her and left quickly once the stone was placed. 

Something odd was going on here. They seemed almost spooked. Had they also felt her mother’s presence like she did? She was almost certain she was here with her today while she waited for the headstone. Now that it was here, she could leave. 

“Goodbye, Mom!” she said before hopping into her car and speeding out of the cemetery as fast as she could.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com