#threethingschallenge, Non-Fiction, Prompt

Three Things Challenge #M171

Prompt Rules


This week’s theme is HOLIDAYS
Your three words today are:



By Tessa Dean December 2022

They didn’t have staycations back in the 70s when we got married. We had planned a honeymoon that coincided with a group vacation we had already booked and paid for. We went to Virginia Beach. On the first day, we went sunbathing on the beach, and I got the worst possible burn imaginable. I ended up with sun poisoning. I couldn’t go out even in the shade as the heat hurt the burn. I stayed in the air-conditioned room mainly for the whole week. I occasionally came out in the shady part of the pool and stayed in the water to soothe the burn. Going to dinner was rough as well. Clothes rubbing on the burn hurt. Luckily, I had several sundresses to wear which kept most of the material off of rubbing my skin.

I lost several layers of skin, and it was soaking wet with pus. And I would shed a layer of skin and then start to heal, and then I would lose another layer. From that point on, I rarely stepped foot in the sun, and if I did I was slathered in the highest SPF sunscreen, and I would still burn.

The drive home from Virginia to New Jersey was painful with the sun beating on the glass in the windows which made the heat worse. It was like being under a magnifying glass. And of course, it was a sunny day so lots of sun to magnify the sun’s rays on my skin. I was so glad to get home and out of the sun.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.wordpress.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

3 thoughts on “Three Things Challenge #M171”

  1. I have only used sunscreen once, and suffered from heat stroke. Hubby could not get my temperature down and I was violently sick, so he threw me in the shower and turned it on. The relief was immense, but I was off work for a while. I have never used a sun screen since.


    1. I have to use sunscreen or the burns would be worse. I never had a reaction to the sunscreen itself though. I avoid the sun as much as possible since I don’t have any sunscreen now and I don’t like going outside.


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