Fiction, Prompt, StoryADay, Writing

Point of View | StoryADay 2024 Day 13


Write a story about a character with a big decision to make. Write it in a point of view you don’t often use.



Liz stared at the screen of her lap top. The sounds of the coffee shop faded out of her consiousness as she chewed on the nail of her right thumb. She chewed her nails when she was nervous.

She had just put “The End” on the last page of her memoir, but she now faced the decision on whether to publish it or not. Her life, had been everything, but happy and she didn’t want her family to know her true feelings on how she felt about them and what had transpired throughout her lifetime.

She never felt close to any of them and she had no one she really felt she could talk to about her feelings. This memoir would tell it like it was, no holds barred. Was she ready for someone to see it and confront her about how she felt and would they be upset with her airing her feelings for the world to see. Some of them would definitely be embarrassed to see it in writing.

Writing it had been cathartic and she definitely felt better to have expressed it all in words, but was she ready to face them? She didn’t feel she had a need to apologize to them because she had been the one who had gotten hurt, but they pretended that all was well within the family and if she published it, everyone would see things as she saw them all these years and not the pretty picture they liked to paint for their family and friends to see.

The longer she sat there, the more she worried about publishing it. She had full intentions of publishing it when she had started writing it. Now, she simply wasn’t sure.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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