#gb4lf, #gmgblog, Fiction, Four Line Fiction, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Writing

Four Line Fiction – Pix to Prose – 5/22/24

Image: Ali Jadallah / Anadolu / Getty Images


The tornado ripped through the small town consisting of mainly mobile home parks and farmland. Maria emerged from the damaged mobile home she had once called home and grabbed her daughter up into her arms as she headed out looking for other survivors. “Help,” she barely heard above the storm that was still pummeling the small town. Putting her child down, she reached out to the hand peeking out from the pile of damaged wood that had once been someone’s home.

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Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.wordpress.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

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