Fiction, Photo Prompt, Prompt, StoryADay, Writing

Inspired by An Image | StoryADay 2024 Day 23


Choose one of these photos and tell a story based on it
Winslow Homer – Metropolitan Museum Gift of Mrs. William F. Milton, 1923
Paul Cézanne – Metropolitan Museum Bequest of Stephen C. Clark, 1960
Léon Bonnat – Metropolitan Museum Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887



Regina struggled to keep herself and Randy afloat. He had suddenly disappeared under the waves and she jumped in to rescue him. Despite her training in water rescue he almost managed to pull them both under the water.

Finally she got a firm grip and began swimming to the shore, which seemed so far away as she maneuvered his almost dead weight steadily toward the sandy beach. As she reached the beach a man stepped out of the crowd and waded in to help her bring Randy the rest of the way in.

She performed CPR until he sputtered and spit out the water in his mouth. She pulled away so she didn’t take in a mouthful of the water herself. Randy struggled to sit up.

“What happened?” he managed to croak out.

“You suddenly went under a wave and I had to swim out and bring you in.You almost drowned both of us by grabbing onto me like you did. I was finally able to pull you in to the shore and I performed CPR on you to save your life. You can thank me now,” she said.

“Well thank you for rescuing me. I don’t know what happened as I am a strong swimmer normally, which I am sure you know about me.” Just then they heard sirens in the distance. One of the onlookers had called for an ambulance. Regina waited til they arrived to check him out before she continued her walk along the shoreline.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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