Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Writing Prompts By Esther Chilton

Esther’s Prompt:

This week’s writing prompt is:


You don’t have to share your work, but I always enjoy seeing what you come up with if the prompt gives you inspiration.


June 29, 2020

Dear Diary,

Well, today was the day I have been waiting for. I have been waiting as patiently as possible for this day to arrive, and I never thought it would happen. 

Bob and I have been writing to each other online for years, and I never thought he would get around to asking me out. He always told me he had a wife and that he couldn’t get involved with me, but over the years, he has let on that he has had other women in his life despite what he told me. I never knew if he had slipped when talking about another woman. I was interested despite the fact he was married. That didn’t bother me so much. We had talked on the phone at times and exchanged pictures so I had this deep down feeling that was growing in me. I don’t know how you fall in love with someone you have never met. I have no idea if the pictures he sent me were really him, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to meet in person.

This afternoon, he called and asked me to meet him tomorrow at a local diner for lunch. He didn’t live in my area, he said, so he would have to make a long drive to meet me. He was willing to make the drive since he didn’t want to chance running into his wife. I am so excited. I hope he has some feelings for me and that this isn’t just a simple lunch date. I don’t want to be the other woman, but he insisted this was just a lunch between friends.

I must admit I feel guilty about meeting him behind his wife’s back, but I can’t control my steadily growing feelings for him. He told me to meet him at the local mall, and we would drive together to the diner. 

Good night, dear diary!

June 30, 2020

Dear Diary,

I am so mad. He was late getting to the mall, and despite the fact that two hours had passed, I was still waiting for him. He never called me to let me know he was going to be late, and when I tried to call him, he never answered.

Finally, a car pulled up next to me in the empty part of the mall parking lot where I was waiting. I didn’t recognize the person, but couldn’t imagine why they were parked right next to me since I was in a remote area of the mall.

He rolled down his window and said, “Hi, Jackie. I am glad that you waited for me to get here. I got caught up in traffic.” 

I was stunned. Who was this, and how did he know me? “Who are you,” I asked him.

“I’m Bob. Who else would I be?”

“Bob? You don’t look like your pictures.” I didn’t say anything else as I pondered what was going on. This guy was heavy and pretty ugly. The only thing I recognized was his voice. That was the same since we had been talking on the phone. I had fallen in love with the guy in the pictures, who was very handsome. “What is going on here?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry, but I never send my real picture. I want to see if we are compatible before meeting a woman.”

“I can’t believe you deliberately lied to me. I trusted you to be who you said you were, and now you show up and are totally different from the pictures. This is not cool. I am leaving now. Don’t you ever contact me again.”

“Oh well, your loss.”

I left and didn’t look back. I immediately deleted all my contact info for him, and now I am back to being friendless. I can’t believe I wasted three years on this nutcase. I am glad I never told anyone about him. What a fool I am!

Good night, diary!

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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4 thoughts on “Writing Prompts By Esther Chilton”

    1. Thank you Esther. I had a similar expeience in real life. I was on a web site for meeting people who were lookinf for long term relationships. The guy told me he wasn’t married who even dating. He sent me his picture so I could find him at the restaurant we were meeting at. Always meet in a public place for things like this. Anyhow I arrived and looked all over for him when this guy approached me. I questioned him and he told me he was the guy I was looking for. I don’t know what game he was playing, but I wasn’t playing along with him. I ditched him.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was surprised just how many do it. I was very leery at meeting someone from the website and none of the men were available for long term relationships. They were just trolling for women.

        Liked by 1 person

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