Fiction, Mindlovemisery's Menagerie, Photo Challenge, Photo Prompt, Prompt, Writing

Photo Challenge #519

Image credit Sarah Whiley

Use the above image as inspiration for a poem or short story.

Alternatively, if you are an artist or photographer, use this as an opportunity to showcase your own work.

You have 1 week to complete this challenge.

When you’re done, TAG the post ‘Photo Challenge’ and ‘Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie.’ Create a pingback and add your link to the comments for others to read.


Mind Love Misery’s Menagerie’s Instructions



By Tessa Dean June 2024

Ronald had a man cave that he built himself out of all kinds of junk. It wasn’t fancy, but it would do. He had his own place and that is what he wanted. Somewhere he could call his own and keep everyone out unless he gave them permission to enter. He put a skull on a post right outside the door. He knew Sara would not enter because she was deathly afraid of skulls and thought them to be evil. When he put the post up she said, “Eww, what do you need a secret space for and why the evil skull to guard it.”

“Just make sure you stay out. This is my place and you and your stupid friends aren’t invited.”

“I wouldn’t think of entering that filthy place,” she said. She turned and walked away toward the house. She called over her shoulder, “I haven’t seen Priscilla since yesterday when she said she was coming over to visit me. I told her that you had forbidden us to enter your filthy man cave, but she just laughed and said we’ll see. Let me know if you see her.”

Ronald opened the door once she was out of sight and entered. He switched on the fairy lights he had strung around the building and plugged into a heavy-duty extension cord that he had run out to the man cave from the house. There was just enough light to see the body in the corner, mostly covered by a blue tarp. She wouldn’t be snooping around here anymore. He had to finish digging a hole in the ground so he could bury the body and avoid the smell of decay. He couldn’t take a chance on trying to move it out of there without Sara seeing it and freaking out. Luckily he had a dirt floor in there. “Priscilla had been warned,”  he muttered to himself. “She had no one to blame but herself.”

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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