#TheDailySpur, #Weekly prompts Weekend Challenge, Fiction, Weekend Writing Prompt, Writing

A Weekend Writing Photo Prompt

Writing Prompt from the Daily Spur.

Photo by Edward Pretsi (edward199x) on Unsplash

This prompt is given to us by The Daily Spur.


As I reached for the glass of red wine, my nemesis made a similar move. Our fingers collided, and two glasses of red wine cascaded onto the pristine white carpet at our feet. A sense of dread washed over me as I realized the mess that was surely staining the carpet. There was nothing I could do about it.

Maria, with a smirk on her face, wasted no time in shifting the blame onto me for the collision and the subsequent accident. “Oh Joanie, just look at what you’ve done to Dana’s brand new, spotless white carpet!”

“I didn’t do any such thing. Your hand collided with mine. I turned to Dana, who was rushing over. “I am so sorry for the mess,” I told her, tears in my eyes.

“It’s okay, Joanie. I saw the whole thing happen, and I know that Maria was the one who pushed her hand in to grab a glass without waiting until you pulled your glass off the tray. She will pay to have the carpet cleaned.”

Maria stared at Dana. “What do you mean? I didn’t do anything. It was all Joanie’s fault,” she whined.

“Maria, you were at fault, and you will pay for the cleaning. You had better find a good company because I don’t want any stains left behind, or you will pay to replace the entire carpet.” Dana turned away from her and refused to listen to anything else. 

Maria hissed at Joanie, “You will pay for this. I will not take the blame. Just because Dana likes you better doesn’t mean I will stand for this.”

Dana returned to Maria, saying, “Get out of my home right now. I will not stand for another minute of you bullying Joanie. I expect a rug cleaner at my house tomorrow morning, and you had better hope that they do a great job because I won’t stand for substandard work. I paid a lot for that carpet, and you ruined it with your haste in getting another glass of wine. You have had enough wine, so please leave before I call the cops.”

“You wouldn’t,” Maria said.

“Just try me.”

Maria grabbed her coat from the bedroom and exited the door, glaring spitefully at Joanie. Joanie shivered despite the warmth in the room. She hated thinking about her next confrontation with Maria. She wasn’t a nice woman, and she wouldn’t forget tonight, Joanie was sure. Dana put her arms around Joanie and hugged her. “Don’t worry about her. I can handle her. She doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of me, and having her actions be the reason why she will no longer be invited anywhere. She won’t want to be left out from now on.”

Joanie hugged her back, “Thank you, Dana. I feel a little bit better, but she still scares me.”

“Don’t be scared, I tell you. She won’t do anything else, and tomorrow, she will have a carpet cleaner here first thing. She doesn’t want to be on my wrong side. Here, have another glass of wine,” and she handed her another glass off the tray of a passing waitress.

“Thanks, Dana,” Joanie sat on the couch, sighing. She hoped Dana was right.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

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