#FOWC, #MVB-PROMPT, #TheDailySpur, #threethingschallenge, Fiction, Rag Tag Community, Rag Tag Daily Prompt, The Daily Spur, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

6 Daily Writing Prompts, including Fandango and The Three Things Challenge

Today’s post includes 6 daily writing prompts.

Fandango’s One Word Challenge. The word is persuade.

The Three Things Challenge #727. The three words are attend, see and virtual.

The Word of the Day Challenge. The words from the last two days are evolution and elated.

The RagTag Community daily challenge. The word is marker.

The Daily Spur daily challenge. The word is abolish.

My Vivid Blog daily challenge. The word is broken.


Marsha stood before the class to persuade everyone to attend the virtual conference on evolution in the auditorium this coming weekend. She could see a few of them write the date and time down in their scheduler app. One of the students didn’t have a phone because his phone was broken at the time, so he took a magic marker to write it down on his notebook cover. She was elated that they abolished the ban on students not attending this college.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

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