Anniversary, Author, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Haiku, Non-Fiction, Photo Prompt, Poetry, Prompt, Writing

1000 Posts

It is hard to believe that I have written 1000 posts on just this one blog alone. I have two others that have a lot of posts on them and I have even been deleting some of them that I don’t care for.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Writing, Author, Non-Fiction

I just renewed my plan for a dot com.

I had let my domain run out and was using the free WordPress for a couple of years. I just renewed my domain name to a dot com.

So my most recent blog is now

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author, Book

Review/Fantasy “Knights of the Wraithmaker,” by Melanie Doan

Reagan Colby and Benko Wyatt, best friends and fellow squires in the Academy of Knights in Nitedque, must work together with others who may or may not be on the same side as them to save Nitedque. As the Wraithmakers are devouring souls to build their army in the Sindycate, Reagan and her best friend Benko, who have made a blood oath to become life mates when she turns seventeen in a couple of years, must find a way to defeat them. Reagan is one of the best swordsmen in the Academy of Knights in her age group, despite being female. Magick is banned in Nitedque and so Reagan must be careful of keeping her majick under wraps as she practices to become stronger at it while keeping it secret. The magick leaves her vulnerable to Death, leader of the Sindycate, and she faints when a wraithmaker gets too close to Nitedque. The fainting spells come quicker and quicker leaving her with the knowledge that time is running out. Reagan lost her mother as a young child and she discovers that she has a connection to King Conrad Godwin that she never could have imagined – one that makes her understand why her oldest brother, Draven seemingly hated her from the days she was born. Her remaining family is also part of the King’s army trying to protect Nitedque from the Sindycate and an oncoming war seems inevitable. Follow Reagan and Benko as they try to avert a war between Nitedque and the Sindycate. Despite Magick being banned we meet others who still practice it in secret. Despite the fact that I do not like fantasy books for the most part, this book held my interest and I would highly recommend you read it if you are looking for a quick read and like fantasy books dealing with magick. The book moves at a great pace and is easy to follow. Get your copy on Amazon.

Preorder a copy here:

Author, Non-Fiction, Writing

Thanks to all of you who subscribed to my YouTube channel!!!

I appreciate the subscriptions from those of you who have subscribed to my youtube channel. Besides videos on different subjects, for those of you who write and would like to try live streams I host them several times a week. Check my schedule below. They have timed writing sprints and there are no goals or winners or losers. It is just time to socialize while also having support from fellow writers. Lots of people host them so there are all kinds available. Mine are still small and I am laid back. Sometimes we end up just chatting. And you don’t even have to let anyone know you are there and just use the timed sprints to encourage you to write. Unless you speak up in the chat, I have no idea who is in the room with me. It will only tell me how many people are there. Some people never speak. You can also watch the ones that already streamed lived as they are recorded and are available. There is usually talk in between each sprint.

If you can’t read the photo my start times are all PM and run sometimes as long as 6 hours or more. If I am not tired I will stay as long as people are sprinting. There are all different time zones in there and people from all over the world.

Again thanks to all of you who have subscribed and if you would like to subscribe, my page is

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Author, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

The Weekly Smile for the 12th of October, 2020

The Weekly Smile for the 12th of October, 2020

My smile for this week is finally getting out of the hospital after 6 weeks. (I actually got out on October 1, but I was feeling really bad and didn’t do much except sleep which is weird since all I did in the hospital was sleep as well.). People would stand there calling my name and I would sleep right through it and then one brilliant nurse got this idea that maybe she could check my blood sugar without waking me up. I doubt she will try that one again. I came up punching. I am so done with hospitals right now. I thought 10 days was bad, but 6 weeks takes the cake. At least I got out before my birthday.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Author, Fiction, Haiku, Poetry, Prompt, Writing

#Haikai Challenge #159/#160 (10/10/20): Fall Foliage/Goose (Kari) #haiku #senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga

#Haikai Challenge #159/#160 (10/10/20): Fall Foliage/Goose (Kari) #haiku #senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga

Fall, Autumn, Red, Season, Woods, Nature
provided by

fall foliage, geese migrating

by Tessa Dean

the end of summer

fall foliage, geese migrate

leaves cover the ground


Author, Book, Non-Fiction, Writing

Are You a Pantser or Plotter (Outliner)?

By Tessa Dean copyright August 2020

Most writers are either a pantser, which means they write by the seat of the pants or a plotter, which means they have to have an outline that lays the whole story out before they start to write. Now there are a few people who are a combination of both and they are called plantsers.

Pantsers write one day at a time letting the story tell itself. When they start they are not sure whether it will be a novel, novella or simply a piece of flash fiction. They must be ready to scrap their work if it doesn’t work out. The pros of being a pantser mean that you can kill off a character and not have to rewrite the whole outline. The cons though mean that it is far easier to get stuck and not be able to continue on until you straighten it out in your head. You have no plans to fall back on.

A plotter or planner plans their whole novel before they start writing. They methodically plan it out from start to finish. It can be scribbled on a piece of scrap paper or neatly written or typed out. It can be plain and simple or fully color coded. This is great for people who don’t want to go off plot because they can’t focus. They don’t want to go off their original plan. The pros are that they hardly ever have writer’s block because they can’t finish their outline until the whole story emerges anyhow. The cons though are really rough as they can’t just make changes on the spur of the moment as they will have to change their whole outline to fit in the changes each and every time they make a change.

Although I am a pantser for the most part, when it comes to novel writing it is too long for my memory to remember all the details so I am becoming a plantser as I have to create a story bible with my world built in it. It may be a contemporary story, but there is still a world to create for fiction.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Author, Book, Fiction, Writing

Time to get back into the saddle!

It is time to get back into the habit of posting on my blog regularly. I got out of the habit as I have been feverishly working on my work in progress from NaNoWriMo. I can’t believe how excited I am with this project. It is around 40,000 words so far and I am not sure it will be a full novel length, but I am working hard on it while at the same time doing live streams and videos for youtube. I have 58 subscribers to my youtube channel so far and I am stoked. Here’s the link to my youtube channel:

My current work in progress is a thriller. It has been so much fun planning and writing this. I have never written a thriller before. I kept changing my villain, but there are clues pointing to all the main characters so you will have no idea who did it, if I did it right, of course.

I am sorry to have fallen behind with my blog posts, but I am super busy with my writing and youtube videos and live streams. Plus editing my videos for youtube is time consuming and I am still learning editing on top of all the rest of the stuff I am doing. I am getting over the awkwardness now and so it is getting more fun to do.

Good thing I don’t work. I can’t fit in all I want to do now.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Author, Book, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

#WeekendCoffeeShare – Writing Challenge

Coffee, Pen, Notebook, Caffeine, Cup

Hey everyone, this is Teresa Smeigh from and I am posting on my new blog I am writing with a pen name now.

Thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting this prompt.

If we were having coffee, for one thing I wouldn’t have coffee as I don’t drink it and it is way too hot anyhow. I am mainly drinking water only or occasionally I will make a pitcher of ice tea. You can choose your poison.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I am working on my new novel for NaNoWriMo and keeping slightly ahead of target for the month. I count anything to do with writing in my 3 hours a day goal. If I am writing great. If I am watching a how-to video that is also great. As long as it deals with writing it is fine. Still trying to come up with a title for the book. That is proving a little harder as the subject leads to titles used a few times already which I am told you can’t copyright a title so that isn’t a problem, but I would like something a little different. It has a working title of “Dangerous Obsession.”

My dad has recovered from Covid-19 and on Wednesday night my sister and I are going to the nursing home to visit. Visitation is being allowed by the governor but must be held outside and within social distancing guidelines. Fine with us since we have no desire to go inside the building which is riddled with the virus.

I tossed the outline I struggled all of June with and am pantsing my books as usual. It is in my head and there is no need for an outline. All I really need is a list of character names as they get confusing at times and their relation to the protagonist. Still trying to figure out how to use different POVs (point of view) because I think that will add some necessary parts of the story that would be missing if I was just telling it with a narrator, the protagonist. I need to get inside the heads of those other characters.

I had the second injection on my spine and I am in worse pain than the first one. I spent most of today lying down to ease the pain. Sitting is uncomfortable for long periods of time. I also have to wear a back brace for timed periods throughout the day. This could increase the pain.

Be safe everyone,

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Author, Fiction, Poetry, Prompt

Colleen’s 2020 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 185, #Poet’sChoice

Jetty, Pier, Sea, Sunset, Dusk, Dawn
Photo compliments of

Fishing Pier

by Tessa Dean July 2020

fishing off the pier

sun setting low in the sky

quick I have caught one

Colleen’s Rules:

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here: