Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Writing Prompts By Esther Chilton

Esther’s Prompt:

This week’s writing prompt is:


What does that word mean to you? My phobia is spiders. I try and rationalise it to myself. They’re small and here, in the UK, they’re not poisonous so they can’t harm me. But it doesn’t help! You could write about a real phobia, or you could make one up for a gripping story or poem.


I was not only terrified of fires, it was a real phobia that still affects me to this day.

  As a child, I was so terrified of fire that I could not watch anything that might contain a fire. I was sent out of the room when the news was on TV because there were always fires. The film “Towering Inferno” debuted in the theaters when I was a teenager, but I was forbidden to join my friends when they went. My fear of fire was a real phobia.

        I would wake up screaming from the nightmares as a small child. I could not articulate precisely what was wrong to my parents at that time. I told them I was seeing my bedroom walls burning, and I couldn’t get out. My parents were mystified. Nothing of a traumatic nature had happened to me as a small child with fire.

I tried past life regression; it showed that I had died in a fire in a previous life. Considering how it affected me, I think it was my last life before this one.

When my husband was stationed at Cherry Point, North Carolina, I got a job at the Officer’s Club on the base. It was a three-story building with a basement that had restrooms, which we sometimes utilized.

         I was working in the kitchen one day when I heard the shrieking of the fire alarm. I was looking for it in one of the dining rooms near me, and someone else came running down the hall looking for it, too. I broke out into a cold sweat. We couldn’t find the fire alarm, but the smell and sight of smoke was coming down the hallway toward us by now. We ran to the kitchen to gather everyone up and see how we could exit the building from the back, which faced an area full of trees and a tiny path.

         I was panicking, and the person who had taken charge urged me on. I froze, feeling rooted to the spot. The man pulled me into the back dining room, away from the smoke now filling the kitchen. I was shaking uncontrollably, and he never let me go. He realized I was in panic mode and needed help to get moving. I gripped his hand so tight that my knuckles turned white. I stumbled after him.

The doors were locked as always when the room was not in use, and more people began to panic. Finally, someone picked up a chair and threw it through one of the picture windows. Others followed suit.

         We started hurrying out of the building towards the path behind it. It was the only way we could go. The path ran alongside the back of the building. The fire had cut off the front, so we had no choice but to head around the back of the building the long way.

         We ran along the small path, covering our heads with our hands, as the windows exploded overhead, raining fire and glass down on us. We started choking on the smoke. I was petrified and crying, but the others urged me on. They were not leaving me behind. The building was long, and that was the longest but fastest run I had ever made. The beast of the fire was on our tails.

         We finally came out to the front of the building and stared at the fire as it reached further and further. I was cringing as I watched the fire as it spread across part of the building front. An EMT brought me a bottle of water and checked me over for smoke inhalation. I was still shaking, but I knew I was safe now, and I looked around for the man who had brought me out through the burning building and led me around to the front where we would be safe. I wanted to thank him for not giving up on me despite the danger we were all in. 

A real-life burning fire to bring out my fears again. The fire brought it all back. I had been choking on the smoke, and now I understand how people die from smoke inhalation. It was hard to breathe through that smoke.

         We all got out, thank God! No one got hurt except for smoke inhalation. 

         I went through a grueling interrogation by Naval Intelligence, along with everyone else. The investigation took several days. After that, I had horrible nightmares. I had sunk back to my childhood fears. That fire was not a mistake. A disgruntled employee set it on purpose in a small office near the restrooms that I had just exited. It was way too close for me. 

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Writing Prompts By Esther Chilton

Esther’s Prompt:

This week’s writing prompt is:


When I was at school my favourite colour was blue, then I went through a pink phase and everything I wore was bright pink from my eyeshadow to my pink stilettos! Thankfully for everyone around me it didn’t last long. My daughter didn’t have a favourite colour when she was young – she just loved rainbows and all the different colours coming together. Do different colours signify different things to you?


I have liked different colors in different stages of my life. I preferred dark colors, mainly black, during my childhood and early adulthood. My bedroom walls were even black at one point. Navy blue was another of my favorite colors. I made all the curtains in my bedroom out of navy blue, and my bedspread was also navy blue and black. As I think back on it, it was dark and gloomy, but that is where my mind was. 

One day, my daughter decided to get me a bedroom sheet set and comforter for my birthday. We went to the store to pick it out, and I headed to the dark colors. She put her foot down and said if she was going to pay for it, the colors needed to be something in a lighter color tone. 

At first, I told her to never mind, as I wasn’t interested, but as I perused the sheet sets and matching comforters, I found one I liked in pastel green, yellow, and pink. I stared at it for a bit and finally realized that it was bringing my dark mood up and that it was a great mood lifter. I even found yellow curtains to go with it. I thanked her for making me choose something so much brighter.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Can You Tell A Story In..., Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Can You Tell A Story In…


Esther’s Rules:

Can you tell a story in 33 words? You must use the following words somewhere in the story:



I adjusted my toupee. A hiccup caused me to lose sight of the squirrel. What kind of mastermind loses sight of their quarry during a hiccup? I felt the plan crumble before me.

**********33 words**********

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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#FOWC, #threethingschallenge, Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Fiction, Prompt, TWT, Word of the Day Challenge, Writing

FOWC with Fandango — Puncture Plus The Three Things Challenge, and The Word of the Day Challenge, and Esther Chilton’s Writing Prompt – Cities

Fandango’s Rules For the One Word Challenge


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.). Today’s word is puncture.

I am also using the Three Things Challenge for today #M716.

Your three words today are:


I am also using the Word of the Day Challenge which is gloss.


I also used Esther Chilton’s word promptCities


As we approached the city’s limits, the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the road. I saw the car in front of me suddenly swerve. He pulled over to the side of the road and the chap got out and inspected his tires. 

“Are you alright, sir,” I called to him without getting out of my car.

“It looks like a puncture in my tire. It is flat.”

“Do you have road service? I am not very good at changing tires, and I have my girlfriend with me, and we are going out for dinner.” I glanced at Cindy, who was applying lip gloss without a care. 

“My nails are chipped,” she told me. I need to get to the nail salon as soon as possible. Do we have to help this guy?” Cindy wasn’t interested in helping someone else. She was quite selfish most of the time.

The chap stood up after checking his trunk for a jack to change his tire. “I will have to call my road service. I don’t have a jack, and the spare tire is flat. Thanks for stopping; you can go ahead and leave.”“Alright, sir. I will leave you to wait for your car service. I have to get going, as we planned on getting dinner somewhere, and I have been looking forward to pork chops for dinner. I have to get Cindy to the nail salon first, though. Good luck with your tire.”

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Writing Prompts By Esther Chilton

Esther’s Prompt:

This week’s writing prompt is:


You don’t have to share your work, but I always enjoy seeing what you come up with if the prompt gives you inspiration.


June 29, 2020

Dear Diary,

Well, today was the day I have been waiting for. I have been waiting as patiently as possible for this day to arrive, and I never thought it would happen. 

Bob and I have been writing to each other online for years, and I never thought he would get around to asking me out. He always told me he had a wife and that he couldn’t get involved with me, but over the years, he has let on that he has had other women in his life despite what he told me. I never knew if he had slipped when talking about another woman. I was interested despite the fact he was married. That didn’t bother me so much. We had talked on the phone at times and exchanged pictures so I had this deep down feeling that was growing in me. I don’t know how you fall in love with someone you have never met. I have no idea if the pictures he sent me were really him, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to meet in person.

This afternoon, he called and asked me to meet him tomorrow at a local diner for lunch. He didn’t live in my area, he said, so he would have to make a long drive to meet me. He was willing to make the drive since he didn’t want to chance running into his wife. I am so excited. I hope he has some feelings for me and that this isn’t just a simple lunch date. I don’t want to be the other woman, but he insisted this was just a lunch between friends.

I must admit I feel guilty about meeting him behind his wife’s back, but I can’t control my steadily growing feelings for him. He told me to meet him at the local mall, and we would drive together to the diner. 

Good night, dear diary!

June 30, 2020

Dear Diary,

I am so mad. He was late getting to the mall, and despite the fact that two hours had passed, I was still waiting for him. He never called me to let me know he was going to be late, and when I tried to call him, he never answered.

Finally, a car pulled up next to me in the empty part of the mall parking lot where I was waiting. I didn’t recognize the person, but couldn’t imagine why they were parked right next to me since I was in a remote area of the mall.

He rolled down his window and said, “Hi, Jackie. I am glad that you waited for me to get here. I got caught up in traffic.” 

I was stunned. Who was this, and how did he know me? “Who are you,” I asked him.

“I’m Bob. Who else would I be?”

“Bob? You don’t look like your pictures.” I didn’t say anything else as I pondered what was going on. This guy was heavy and pretty ugly. The only thing I recognized was his voice. That was the same since we had been talking on the phone. I had fallen in love with the guy in the pictures, who was very handsome. “What is going on here?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry, but I never send my real picture. I want to see if we are compatible before meeting a woman.”

“I can’t believe you deliberately lied to me. I trusted you to be who you said you were, and now you show up and are totally different from the pictures. This is not cool. I am leaving now. Don’t you ever contact me again.”

“Oh well, your loss.”

I left and didn’t look back. I immediately deleted all my contact info for him, and now I am back to being friendless. I can’t believe I wasted three years on this nutcase. I am glad I never told anyone about him. What a fool I am!

Good night, diary!

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Esther Chilton's Writing Prompt, Non-Fiction, Prompt, Writing

Writing Prompts By Esther Chilton

Esther’s Prompt:

This week’s writing prompt is:


Do you have a dream you yearn to fulfil? Maybe yours has come true. Or perhaps you’ve had strange, funny or recurring dreams. But not everyone remembers their dreams, so you could write something fictional and give your characters all sorts of interesting dreams.

You don’t have to share your work, but I always enjoy seeing what you come up with if the prompt gives you inspiration.


I have lots of dreams, but unfortunately they are more like nightmares than just typical dreams. I have at least one a night if not more that scare me and as the memory dissispates I am just left with a bad feeling.

Growing up I had dreams that I thought were related to the act of growing up and feeling scared of where I was going in my life.

One dream I had constantly was of multiple railroad tracks laid out parallel to each other. In the dream I would anxiously start to cross over the first track. Before I got across a train would come and I would wake up frightened. As time went on I would make it across the first track and then start on the second before the train came. This went on years during my childhood and when I finally made it across all the tracks the dream stopped coming.

I don’t remember other dreams like that, but I still feel it symbolized growing up and the obstacles I faced and conquered.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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