Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



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Here are this week’s questions:

1.  What do you miss most, if anything, about your school days? I don’t miss anything about the school itself, but I do miss writing research papers. I was a writer even back in grade school and highschool. And I loved to do research as well.
2.  Did your school have its own sports field or swimming pool? We had sports fields for the different sports, but no swimming pool.
3.  What was your favourite day on the school week? Probably Friday since it was the last day of school before the weekend. I really hated to be in school as I was bullyied.
4.  Did you have one teacher for a variety of subjects, or separate teachers for each? In high school which was 7th through 12th grades we had separate teachers for each class. Although each teacher had a homeroom class to start the day. The lower grades were all done by the same teacher.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



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Here are this week’s questions:
1.   If you are feeling below par and a bit down, how do you lift your spirits? Depending on how far down I am feeling, I try to distract myself with writing or reading. If I am really down I just go to sleep and try to forget how much my life sucks at the moment. It doesn’t really lift my spirits though.
2.  Do you believe that laughter is the best medicine? I believe that laughter can help depending on the situation. Sometimes laughter doesn’t help at all.
3.  What makes you smile? I do Trent McDonald’s Weekly Smile and I always have trouble finding something to smile about. Lately my smiles have to do with my writing and my enjoyment of it coming back. I had writer’s block for over a year and a half and I simply couldn’t write or do anything, but sleep all day and all night. I would smile at a snuggling cat, but my last cat didn’t snuggle which annoyed me greatly. I was used to snuggling with my cats, but this one wanted nothing to do with me.
4.  Do you have a ‘comfort’ food. Well junk food is at the top of my list with ice cream or cheese cake or vanilla cake with whipped cream icing tied for number one. If I was in a healthier mind space, I would love boiled shrimp, macaroni salad, or potato salad with shrimp in them.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



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Here are this week’s questions:

Here are this week’s questions:

1.  What is/has been your favourite job/occupation? I loved updating databases and one of my jobs I was in the IT department and I was responsible for doing the updates to all of our medical information such as doctors/hospitals names and addresses. I wrote a program to run and clean up the files we received from each doctor/hospital. It was probably the only job I really enjoyed doing. I really hated having to work.
2.  Is there a job you would never consider doing? I have a few things: cooking in any form, fast food restaurant and picking up the trash/garbage.
3.  Did your family own a business and expect you to join the ranks when you got older? No family business.
4.  Did/do you have a career requiring qualifications or did you learn on the job and work your way up? The job I mentioned above I learned on the job (not everyone could learn that on their own though), but I also got more knowledge by taking a course in a trade school to enhance my skills. I managed to get a raise due to that course.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



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Here are this week’s questions:

1.  Have you ever wanted to be famous? I really don’t remember ever wanting to be famous.
2.  Have you met any celebrities? Yes I met John Glenn the American Astronaut.
3.  Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph? As a kid we all got each others’ authografts.
4.  Is there a celebrity you wish to have met/meet? Stephen King. He was the first author I started following. I loved his books and even joined the Stephen King book club. There for a while I never missed a book. I haven’t been following him as closely right now. I have 3 of his more recent books in my collection to read sometime.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Share Your World, Writing



Prompt Rules

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Here are this week’s questions:

  1.  What frustrates you the most about modern day living? The “me, me, me” mentality. Everyone thinks the world revolves around them.
  2.  What was your favourite decade and why? The 1970s when I had my first two children and was a military wife.
  3.  What was your ‘best buy’ (for example: house, car, clothes, computer etc) My last pc desktop computer as it contains a camera and microphone. I used it to do live streams on YouTube before I moved into this facility.
  4.  Do you have any non medicinal allergies? None now, but strawberries when I was a child. They don’t bother me now that I am an adult.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



Prompt Rules

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Here are this week’s questions:

1.  Do you have a favourite movie you never tire of watching? I would say there are a few. One of them is “Sound of Music.”
2.  Do you have a favourite song or special song as a couple? My ex and I never had a song per se.
3.  How do you relax in the evenings? Reading or writing mainly. I rarely watch TV.
4.  Do you celebrate special birthdays or anniversaries? My family has pretty much stopped celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. Which is fine with me since I hate shopping for gifts and now I don’t have the money to shop for gifts.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



Prompt Rules

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Here are this week’s questions:

1.  Have you ever lied about your age? Yes when I was 15 and wanted to see a movie rated for 17 years old and up. I looked older than I was so I had no problem getting into the movie without a parent. I forget the name of the restriction now. I know it wasn’t G or PG, but the actual rating I have forgotten.
2.  Is there any time in your life you would like to relive? When I was pregnant. I loved being pregnant. I especially loved feeling the life moving inside of me.
3.  Do you own any antiques? I don’t think so. I do have an end table that I don’t know the age of and that might be, but don’t really know.
4.  Would you like to know some of the history of places you’ve visited? Not really. History never interested me.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Share Your World, Writing



Prompt Rules

There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers in the comments box below or create your own post.
To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one.

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Here are this week’s questions:

1.  Have you ever roller skated? Yes and that is where I met my ex-husband. We even worked at two different roller skating rinks.
2.  Have you ever ridden a horse (or donkey) Yes once with my friend when we were in our early teens.
3.  What was your favourite ride at a fun fair? Roller Coasters at the amusement parks and at a simple fair I would think the slide or the carousel.
4.  Choice of fun fair prizes:
coconut, cuddly toy, £10/$10 cash prize. Cash or stuffed animals. We always came home with glasses and plates from the coin toss booth.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –