Fiction, Prompt, Sunday's Six Sentence Story, Writing

Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt – Engagement

Rules of the hop:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word.
Link up at Wednesday’s post. Link goes live at 6:00 pm through Saturday late…
Spread the word and put in a good one to your fellow writers.



I looked at the sparkling diamond on my ring finger. Tonight is the engagement party we have been planning for the last several months and so far, I am sitting alone, waiting for Tony to arrive. The guests are starting to approach me and ask where Tony is.

So far, I can only tell them that I am waiting for him to arrive, but I don’t tell them that he is not answering his phone or texts. Suddenly, a text comes through, and it is Tony. The message reads, “I am sorry I am not there, but I have decided that I can’t do this, and so I’m afraid I must break off our engagement.”

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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