Fiction, Photo Prompt, Prompt, The Unicorn Challenge, Writing

The Unicorn Challenge-03/05/24

© Ayr/Gray

Rules from Jenne and C. E. Ayr:

A magical new weekly writing opportunity from me – Jenne Gray – and him – C. E. Ayr.
Visit this blog every Friday, read an amazing story from each of us, and then post your own even better effort in the comments below Jenne’s blog post.
Or on your own blog and stick the link down in the comments.
The rules are:
Maximum of 250 words. (mine was exactly 250 words)
Inspired by photo prompt above.
That’s it.



By Tessa Dean May 2024

With Molly having to cancel their date due to illness, Mark decided to pay Joe a surprise visit on his new houseboat, moored by the canal. Armed with a description of the boat, he set off, not bothering to inform Joe of his impending arrival.

Mark frowned as he scanned the line of boats. He should have called first to ensure Joe was home.

Suddenly, he spotted a familiar figure exiting from one of the boats further down the line. What was Molly doing here, he wondered, anger starting to simmer. She had told him she was unavailable tonight since she wasn’t feeling well. Here she was, looking fine and exiting a boat that fit Joe’s description. She had turned away from him and didn’t notice him approaching. 

Mark quickened his pace and caught up to Molly, grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face him. Mark proceeded to grill her on what she was doing there. Joe suddenly came through the door with her handbag. 

“Well, isn’t this just a fine mess? You told me you were sick and canceled our date, and I found you coming out of Joe’s boat. Obviously, I can’t trust you. We are through!” Mark turned and walked away.

“No, wait,” she called after him, trying to grab his arm to stop him. “Please don’t be mad. We were just talking. Please listen to me. Nothing happened!”

He yanked his arm out of her grasp and said, “No, we’re finished!” He walked away,

**********250 words***********

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

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Author – Old Writing –

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